Offered under: 9.C20, 16.C20, 18.C20, CSE.C20
Term(s): Second-half-of-semester, fall and spring
Level: Undergraduate
Units: 12
Prerequisite: Calculus IPhysics I6.100A
Instructors: David Darmofal (AeroAstro), Laurent Demanet (Mathematics)

Follows the same pedagogy as 6.100B Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science, including Python, but is set in the context of computational science and engineering and uses applications from across science and engineering including dynamics, mechanics, robotics, heat transfer, climate science, chemistry, biology, aerospace and others.

This course provides an introduction to computational algorithms for understanding of scientific phenomena and designing of engineering systems. Topics include: computational algorithms to simulate time-dependent phenomena; optimize and control applications from science and engineering; and quantify uncertainty in problems involving randomness, including an introduction to probability and statistics.

Credit cannot also be received for 6.100B. Can be combined with 6.100A Introduction to Computer Science Programming in Python for REST credit.
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Making computation come alive

A new course teaches students how to use computational techniques to solve real-world problems, from landing a spacecraft to placing cell phone towers.