Common Ground Standing Committee

Deputy Dean for Academics Asu Ozdaglar and Jeffrey C. Grossman, the Morton and Claire Goulder and Family Professor of Environmental Systems and Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, co-chair the Common Ground Standing Committee, which is comprised of faculty from all five MIT schools in addition to Digital Learning. The committee evaluates how to best to support and advance Common Ground’s objectives and is currently centered on three primary focal areas.
Committee Structure

The committee should evaluate how to bring together multi-department teaching to develop classes and programs that blend computing with other disciplines. Issues to examine should include:
- How do we develop “Computation in Context” classes? Can we distill common concepts in a common core which can then be blended and integrated within the context of a specific domain? How can we integrate computing into existing core classes?
- How do we combine these courses into a coherent set of offerings?
- How do we streamline and coordinate offering of computing classes in many disciplines across MIT, such as numerical and simulation methods and machine learning?
- How can we better integrate blended majors? How do we develop a systematic template for blended majors and paths in computation in curricula of other departments?
- How can we develop a process for faculty to develop courses in the Common Ground?
- What is the right funding model for supporting efforts across the Common Ground?
- Jeff Grossman, co-chair (Materials Science and Engineering)
- Asu Ozdaglar, co-chair (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
- Dimitris Bertsimas (Sloan)
- Devin Caughey (Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences)
- Dave Darmofal (Fundamentals of Computational Science and Engineering)
- Laurent Demanet (Fundamentals of Programming/Computational Thinking)
- Benoit Forget (Engineering)
- Rob Miller (Fundamentals of Programming/Computational Thinking)
- Ankur Moitra (Machine Learning, Data Science, and Algorithms)
- Caitlin Mueller (Architecture and Planning)
- Krishna Rajagopal (Physics)
- Troy Van Voorhis (Science)
- Michael Williams (Machine Learning, Data Science, and Algorithms)
- Raul Radovitzky, co-chair (Aeronautics and Astronautics)
- Caitlin Mueller, co-chair (Architecture)
- Benoit Forget (Nuclear Science and Engineering)
- Peko Hosoi (Mechanical Engineering)
- Steven Johnson (Mathematics)
- Ruben Juanes (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- Gigliola Staffilani (Mathematics)
- Troy Van Voorhis (Chemistry)
- Laurent Demanet, co-chair (Mathematics)
- Rob Miller, co-chair (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
- Ana Bell (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
- Catherine Clark (History)
- Nicolas Hadjiconstantinou (Mechanical Engineering)
- Adam Hartz (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
- Leigh Royden (Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences)
- Ankur Moitra, co-chair (Mathematics)
- Michael Williams, co-chair (Physics)
- Dimitris Bertsimas (Sloan)
- Devin Caughey (Political Science)
- Tommi Jaakkola (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
- Mehrdad Jazayeri (Brain and Cognitive Sciences)
- Brent Minchew (Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences)
- Cathy Wu (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- Regina Barzilay, co-chair (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
- Jonathan Weissman, co-chair (Biology)
- Chris Burge (Biology)
- Bill Green (Chemical Engineering)
- Thomas Heldt (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
- Tommi Jaakkola (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
- Doug Lauffenburger (Biological Engineering)
- Bin Zhang (Chemistry)