The External Advisory Council provides review and assessment of the progress of the College to the provost, and offers advice and counsel to the dean of the College. Members of the Council are drawn from a range of backgrounds and expertise that positions them to help in both assessing and strengthening the College. In fulfilling its role, the Council meets three times per year.

The Council is co-chaired by Martha L. Minow, 300th Anniversary University Professor at Harvard University and former Dean of Harvard Law School, and David M. Siegel ’91, Co-Chairman of Two Sigma Investments and member of the MIT Corporation 2017-2024. The provost serves ex officio.

Colin Angle

CEO and Co-founder of Familiar Machines & Magic, Inc.

Cynthia Barnhart

Provost, MIT; Ex Officio

Maria Klawe

President, Math for America

James Manyika

Senior Vice President, Google-Alphabet

Martha Minow

300th Anniversary University Professor & Former Dean, Harvard Law School

Jennifer Rexford

Provost, Professor of Computer Science, & Gordon Y. S. Wu Professor in Engineering, Princeton University

Eric Schmidt

Co-founder, Schmidt Futures

Stephen A. Schwarzman

Chairman, CEO & Co-Founder, Blackstone

David Siegel

Co-Founder and Co-Chairman, Two Sigma; Chairman, Siegel Family Endowment; Member, MIT Corporation

Alan G. Spoon

Chairman, Fortive; Member, MIT Corporation

Susan Whitehead

Vice Chairman, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research

In Memoriam, Ash Carter (member 2019-2022)